


Cold water swimming is the act of swimming in a pool, ocean or lake, when it’s at its coldest. 3 of our brave employees from the Perth location decided the winter solstice day, the coldest day in Perth all year, to brave a 6am swim in the ocean - for the multitude of health benefits cold water swimming can provide. The three crazy lunatics were Glynis Preston & Marjorie Marzin, who are regulars to the cold water delights, and they finally managed to endorse/coerce/con/dare Kevin Hume in to joining them, sprouting how fantastic you will feel all day.

Cold water swimming has had significant scientific research done and is proven to improve both mental health and physical health.

Let’s set the scene – as you can see by the image, it was 2 degrees Celsius when leaving home to head to the beach.  By the time they reached the beach, it was a balmy 4 degrees Celsius – almost the Bahamas…..    This was a team building exercise, so we decided to wear some CAPS beanies proudly, which really helped with the cold, well at least for 15 more seconds before it was time to hit the water…..

The tide was up and the swell was large, but the team took their time to assess the risks and calmly navigate their way through the limestone rocks hidden in the dark and under the water.  Kev says he was most proud he could speak without sounding like a chipmunk. The team managed to last the prescribed 10 minutes in the water.  As they carefully exited the water; first timer and sceptic, Kevin Hume soon started to feel the physical and physiological changes spruced by Glynis and Marjorie the day before, and described it eloquently as something he could not describe 😊.

Here are six amazing health benefits of cold water swimming.

1- Boosts your immune system

The effects of cold water on the immune system have been studied widely. Cold water helps to boost the white blood cell count because the body is forced to react to changing conditions. Over time, your body becomes better at mobilising its defenses.

2- Gives you an endorphin high

Endorphins are what the brain produces to make us feel good about certain activities. Cold water swimming is a form of exercise, and exercise has been proven to treat depression. Cold water swimming brings us close to the pain barrier. Endorphins are released when we’re in pain to help us cope. Cold water swimming is particularly helpful for endorphin release for this reason. Who can say no to a few extra endorphins?

3- Enhances circulation

Cold water swimming flushes your veins, arteries, and capillaries. It forces blood to the surface and pushes the cold downwards. In other words, it helps to warm our extremities.

4- Increases your libido

The benefits of increased libido include more confidence, higher self-esteem, and enhanced mood.

5- Burns more calories

The heart must pump faster and the body must work harder to keep everything warm while swimming in cold water.

6- Reduces Stress

Stress is a demon in the modern world. When stressful times come, we are woefully unprepared for them. Reducing stress means you will feel better, you will feel more optimistic, and you will be more resilient when stressful times come along. Cold water swimming places stress on the body physically and mentally. Many studies have told us about the link between cold water and stress reduction. Cold water swimmers are naturally calmer and more relaxed. They are stronger in the face of adversity.

Moral of the story

If you want to improve your life on all fronts, think about taking an early morning trip to the beach.  Even better, do it as a team building exercise with you and the crew.   They guarantee that once you get over the fear of making it happen, the reality is amazing and the changes tangible.

It will be one of the best decisions that you ever make.

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